Well, it seems like you would like to reach us.

In case you would like to do it in a written form, feel free to reach our SOBA assistant at via contact form bellow or per email at

Please allow us up to 48 hours to respond to your email. 

If you prefer giving us a call, you can do it during our working hours - Monday to Saturday from 11 am - 5 pm on:
+385 95 3661 031
We speak English, German and our motherlanguage Croatian 

You can also pay a visit to our By Appointment Showroom at Trg Vladka Mačeka 5, 
during our working hours: Monday to Friday from 11 am - 5 pm.

Please, give us a call prior arrival so we can dedicate ample time to you.

If none of above options suit you, and you truly appreciate sending us a handwritten letter, you can send it to the following address of our showroom:

SOBA, Trg Vladka Mačeka 5, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia